Olimpia - Krasnyi Krest: Orptopedic surgery instruments

Catalog 2016. Orthopedic surgery instruments.

Set for Endoprosthesis "Wreden"
Chisels gouges inspection CRP1, CRP2, CRP3 :: Chisels curved inspection CR3, CR4, CR5, CR8, CR9 :: Chisels direct inspection CR6, CR7 :: Guide wagon for drill GP1, GP2 :: Raspators back walk RBW4, RBW5, RBW6 :: Drills BP1, BP2, BP3, BP4, BP5 :: Chisels curved CP1, CP2 :: Cup extractor EH :: Hook large HT1 :: Gouges CL4 :: Chisels Walbrzych CVO :: Chisels Walbrzych CVO1, CVO2,CVO3, CVO4, CVO5 :: Head extractor HE :: Guide GN1, GN2

KP1, KP2, KP3, KP4, KP5

Guide Kosyakov

Bone levers Hohmann
HL101 :: HL102 :: HL103

OM14, OM15, OM16, OM17, OM18 :: extractor OMe

IP11, IP21, IP63, IP71, IP72, IP73, IP81

Nozzle for inertial hummer

Zoom - Quality Management System ISO 13485:2005

Catalog 2013-2014. Orthopedic surgery instruments.

Instruments kit for pelvic osteotomy
RP-1 :: RP-2 :: RP-3 :: RP-4 :: RP-5 :: RP-6, GP - Guide for RP6 :: R-1a :: R-3a :: RM-5a

Raspatory Wałbrzych, Chisel Wałbrzych

Bone levers Hohmann
HL:: HL1 :: HL1a :: HL2 :: HL3 :: HL4 :: HL5 :: HL6 :: HL7 :: HL8 :: HL9 :: HL10 ::
HL101 :: HL11 :: HL12 :: HL13 :: HL14 :: HL15 :: HL 16 :: HL17 :: HL18 ::
HL 19 :: HL20 :: HL21 :: HLb :: HLc :: LLH :: LLHa :: HLW ::
HW :: HG1, HG2 Hohmann-Gaydargy

Bone levers and retractors
RD1, RD11 , RD 2 - ретрактори Deaver :: BL1 :: BL2 :: BL3 :: RT1 :: RT2 :: RT11 :: RT12

Charnley frame

RM51 :: RM61 :: RM71

Instruments for endoprosthesis of articulatio
HT-1 Hook Large :: CL-4 Gouges :: HE - Head Extractor :: Nozzles for inertial hummer

  Zoom - Technical documentation ezamination  

Orthopedic-traumatology instruments

bone :: bone curved :: mini-raspatories :: raspatories Wagner :: tissues raspatories :: raspatories Lambotte

chisels Korniev :: spongiosa gouges :: spongiosa gouges curved :: chisels with hartpress-handle :: chisel LEXER

osteotome ОМ:: osteotome LEXER :: Osteotome with interchahgeable blades

amputating :: autopsy :: endoscopia knives

Levers and Retractors
bone lewers HOHMANN and LANGEHOHMANN :: levers LW :: bone levers BL :: bone retractors RT

bone curretes with Hartpress handle BC

steel :: hartpress :: inertial

Reamery, fasteotome, impactors
reamery with hartpress handle RM :: impactors IR :: fasteotome FM

  Zoom - Declaration of conformity  

Instrument's kit for preparation and endoprosthesis of articulatio coxae and articulatio genus

Instruments for cysts minor and major of acetabulum and canalis femoralis handling
raspatories Kosyakov

Instruments for operative exploration and cement excision
chisels inspection curved, chisels bayonet, gouges :: chisel gouges :: raspatories back walk:: curette combination

Instruments for acetabulum and canalis femoralis handling
bone curettes, toothed :: bone curette

Scoop for hip dislocation
scoop for hip dislocation

retractors Deaver :: bone levers Hohmann :: bone lever with weigth HLW :: Chanly frame:: levers left and right

Instruments for bone stock compression of par component artificial articulation

Instruments for crura different and andoprosthesis head excision
remove artificial limb RAL :: hammers :: hook large HT

Helical drill for femoral head excision (by fracture or osteotomy)
corkscrew CS :: reamery CS

Raspatories for: caxal bone reparative operation, periosteum elimination, atraumatic muscles elimination
bone raspatories RB :: raspatories R :: raspatories Wagner RW

Instruments for: bone stock handling; bone stock transection; formation of endoprosthesis site in bone stock; formtion of endoprosthesis canal; endoprosthesis excision by operative exploration
chisels with hartpress handle СМ, С :: osteotomes ОМ

  Zoom - New York 2010
Zoom - Geneva 2002

Catalog 2016
download file,
4,1 Mb

Catalog 2013-2014
download file,
5,3 Mb

Added in 2014
download file,
0,7 Mb

Catalog 2007
download file,
2,5 Mb

  (с) 2016, Olympia - Krasnyi Krest          
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